It's Been A While...

It's Been A While...

.. and things are progressing nicely!

You will have noticed a vastly increased range of products available on on the website; board games, miniatures, sealed Pokemon and sealed Magic: the Gathering products have all been added. You may have seen a few Facebook or Instagram posts regarding the new store, however I've been putting off posting here until I was happy with the space. While it is still a work in progress, I have most of the stock out and we have some tables set up for in-store play so if you're keen to come check it out you're welcome to do so!

Next on the to-do list is to price ticket everything, set up signage and then work towards our Wizards Play Network status so we can run in-store events such as Friday Night Magic and Prereleases. Coming in to play casually will help immensely with this goal. (If you do want to come in and play some games please wear a mask and be prepared to show your Vaccine Pass; I'm aware the latter is no longer a government requirement, however as the sole individual responsible for the day-to-day operations of Goblin Games if I get sick I won't be able to fulfil orders or open the store until I recover. Thanks for your understanding!)

In the mean-time, I'm very keen to get more info on which games y'all are playing, both for the purpose of adding new product lines and in coming up with an event schedule. Feel free to reach out through the chat on the website!

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